Wednesday, February 18, 2009


Hopefully, a place where Hunter and Dancer will eventually play around and venture into the wilderness with adult supervision is the bog. A bog is a wetland that has no FLOWING water running to it. Through rainfall, and runoff, the place continues to have a shallow depth of water year round. At times it's depth is up to 4 feet deep, depending upon how much precipitation has fallen!

We have a bog that has its own ecosystem. The bog has many different plants growing in and around it. One being the cattail, along with other various plants and grasses.

This grass grows near the water as well...

The bog allows ducks, geese, and other wildlife have a constant water source to drink from and live on or around. My dad loves to hunt ducks and geese from his duck blind.

It's a mosquito haven in the summertime, but the benefits of having a constant water source is a great natural resource for all kinds of wildlife. If you sat quietly and motionless by the bog for a couple of hours you'd see an amazing amount of flora and fauna...diversity at its best!


  1. I don't know if it is considered a bog, but when I drive by the wetland on 231 by division road, I love looking for new creatures. I often spot hawks and geese. Great post!

  2. I agree bogs are great places! Too bad developers don't always share the same opinion.
