Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Nature Abusers/Nature Lovers

People that don't enjoy nature, which I know of many, take the world for granted. They think they own the place and use it, abuse it and trash it. I have seen trash in all 4 areas that I can peruse, whether people illegally trespass and dispose of it there, or the wind blows it to it's resting spot. As the Survivor Man on the Discovery Channel has stated, "unfortunately, you go anywhere, you'll find man's trash." Look at some of the trash (we didn't put it there) and this is only one tract of land...Poor Mother Earth!

Everything a human does has an impact on nature. Hunters have an impact which can counteract the overpopulation of animals and so called nuisance animals. Poachers, who illegally kill animals out of season, impact humans because it gives hunters that are ethical a bad rap. Poachers harshly effect the population of certain animal species. People that say hunters are bad...just do not understand. We enjoy nature; we respect it; we borrow it for a specific purpose to eat; on the other hand, poachers destroy nature, disrespect the world we live, and steal from it. Watch out Poacher I'll turn you in!

1 comment:

  1. Old Hunter,

    I wish Mother Nature was treated as a victim of a crime, and the offender punished like they would if their crime was perpetrated against a human.

    Slough Lover
